Monday, March 5, 2012

Pete "Aeiko" Harrison

Pete Harrison, also known by his pen name "Aeiko is a digital and vector artist from the UK. His work is known for it use of high saturation and intensity of color that allow him to create illuminating pieces that focus on subjects like fashion, music, sports, and commercial industry. He also currently owns a clothing label called  Funkrush and curates his upcoming project called Desktopography. A great quote that best describes him is when he says Some artists create with pens, others a paint brush, and today many more with a computer, but I am the only artist that renders my images with the deadly, but dazzling coloured illumination of my Jedi light-saber. Each stroke I summon by the strength of the force smears beautiful streaks of light across my canvas, until the end result is a frame filled with flashes and flares that burst from the depths of a deep black galaxy".
       What I find most interesting in the quality of his work is his use of vibrant colors and seamless layering of shadows and colors. He uses them in such a way that makes the piece seem almost three-dimensional and pops out as well as make viewers literally stop and stare for awhile. All of his work is striking and his manipulation of the images his uses makes the images seem flawless to the point that they don't look real because they look too real or too perfect. Yet he adds a great deal of imagination and surrealism to contribute to the striking quality. I believe that Harrison wants people to stop and stare and imagine. His works are dreamlike and provoke thought at the same time which add to it aesthetic quality.
      The only thing that could make his work even better was if he increased the scale of his work or he changes the surface on which he displays his work. He displays them outdoors but on small cube like surfaces. Yes, this allows for the work to stand out but in an open area, it would catch even more attention if this work covered a large wall or building. This in effect would expand the influence and aesthetics of the piece in that by expanding the scale, he can expand the imaginations of his viewers.

More of his work can be found at his website: